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Asking the right questions leads to a positive consultation with your doctor, and a positive consultation is a foundation for a successful surgery. The patients equipped with the best questions and prepared for their consultation typically get the most satisfaction from their medical choices. Let us guide you with some critical questions you should be sure to ask during your meeting with the doctor. Don’t leave until you are sure you have received adequate responses to these essential questions.

Are You Board-Certified?
This question should be at the beginning of your first conversation with your doctor. With a board-certified surgeon, you get the peace of mind knowing that they have met the demanding requirements needed to pass and receive all of their certifications. A board-certified surgeon will ensure you are in the best possible hands to achieve safe and optimal results.

Plastic Surgery near Fort Lauderdale, FL

How Much Experience Do You Have Performing This Procedure?
Never be afraid to ask how much experience the plastic surgeon has had performing the specific procedure that you seek. You may go to one of the most renowned and respected, board-certified surgeons, yet they may have little or no experience with the procedure you want. If this is so, you may want to keep researching and find one who has an expertise in that specific area.

Do You Think I Am a Good Candidate for This Surgery?

Even with the most respected and capable surgeon, their expertise and skills will not matter if you are not a good candidate for the surgery. If you are unhealthy or have any medical conditions, then having a cosmetic procedure may put your life at risk. Be open and honest regarding your medical history during your consultation so the doctor will be able to make an honest assessment of your ability to go through with the procedure.  Additionally, let your doctor know your expectations and goals, and they will be able to tell you if this is the right procedure for you.

What Are the Expected Costs?
It is critical to know if you are financially capable of going through with a surgery. As you are considering a cosmetic procedure, your medical insurance will not cover the cost, therefore, you need to do your research and request an estimate of costs. Although prices will vary based on the exact procedure for your individual needs, your surgeon’s office staff will be able to give you an individualized quote. Your quote and all financial details will provide you with the needed information to help make your decision to have surgery.

What Are the Risks of This Surgery?

Even with the best surgeon and all the precautions in the world, no procedure is guaranteed to be risk-free. It is critical to understand the potential risks and the frequency with which problems may arise. Armed with this knowledge, you can do everything in your power to reduce risks and set yourself up for surgical success.

What Will My Recovery Be Like?
Having a better understanding of the details of your recovery can help you decide if the timing is right for your procedure. This question will also help you find out how much downtime you will need away from work and daily activities. This knowledge will give you time to consider scheduling time off from work, arranging childcare, and organizing your time so your life will be set up to flow even when you are not on your feet. Consider asking about the specific restrictions following surgery. Should you limit the amount of weight you lift or restrict certain activities? Your doctor will be ready to explain all of the details so you can have a better understanding of what to expect during your recovery period.

Schedule Your Free Consultation Today

Making the choice to have plastic surgery can be difficult and is a decision that involves a great deal of thought and careful consideration. Now that you are armed with some important questions to ask, you can start the process to with a consultation. To learn more about all the procedures at David J. Levens M.D. Plastic Surgery and Med Spa and to set up a free consultation, please contact us.